The Good Leaders

I found this in a blog post at "Easily Amused."
This list makes me sad. Our society often fails dramatically when trying to empower women. First and foremost, you do not empower a woman by teaching her how to be like a man.
Sitting around with your legs spread, always getting the last word, doing whatever you want without asking if anyone minds, never apologizing, playing unfair, always needing credit for every last thing (which I personally find really obnoxious) and firmly pumping everyone's hand, etc. is just ridiculous. These are not qualities of a good leader or a good man, for that matter.
No person can fake their way to be a remarkable leader through learned gestures. Learned gestures are what we teach monkeys to do for our amusement.
What erodes a woman's self confidence is not apologizing, it's buying this book.
Good leaders of all genders will be genuine people who lead because they are good at it. Because they are smart and passionate and compassionate and better at it than any one else. They will be good leaders because they believe in the goal and the message and because they can communicate and motivate people. They will be good leaders regardless of how many pats on the back they get or how much they get paid. The Good Leaders will be successful regardless of their hand strength and regardless of what hangs or does not hang between their legs.
The Good Leaders are equipped with good grammar. Especially when publishing a book so as to avoid "not get taken seriously."