My favorite color in the whole world is blue. It reminds me of sky, water, my baby's eyes... so many beautiful things. When I saw Etsy Cottage Style was having a Blog Blue Party, I decided that I had to participate. Since I have lots of blue around the house, I thought I'd share some of my favorite blue things.

I found this great tote on etsy

a beautiful teacup from Japan (I collect cups and saucers)

I made this clock from an old record and pages from the book I'm writing. I need to find longer hands for it, though. It's a work in progress!

I love this aqua vase I found at an antique store. I have a collection of blue and green vases that I need to get down from the attic, now that I think about it. ;)

my favorite painting- Van Gogh's "Starry Night"

I made this mosaic frame and put one of our band's promo cards in it.

I love this statue!

This last picture is of my 2 mostly used items- "Streams in the Desert" by L.B. Cowman is a collection of devotionals for hard times (highly recommend reading it), and of course my ipod. What would life be like without music?
Hi Michelle! Wonderful shades of blue, from the soft and calm blue on your clock to Van Gogh's vibrant creation! Thank you sooo much for stopping by and sharing your Blue Passion!!
You do love blue! Glad to meet a new blues pal.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Starry Night!!!
I love blue too :) for baby boys :) I hope it goes well! :)
Thanks for sharing these are so lovely and what a beautiful art piece the clock is.
thanks for visiting art freebies and your lovely comment too
Hugs June xxx
WOW, so much blue and artful eye candy, such a great post filled with inspiration!
Magic and Joy!
Pretty blue stuff :)Cute blog!
I was scared at first to when I started art journaling. I was afraid to mess up the paper or make ugly art so I started out using just a cheap spiral notebook. That way I didn't feel like I was messing up anything expensive. Now, after over a year I am not afraid to mess up anything. I know that if I don't like it then I can just paint over it. Listening to other bloggers/artists has helped me alot too!!!
hahahaha :D the ipod picture at the end is great! :D
Aloha Michelle,
I found your blog as I went to visit Lani, Your title caught my eye and I just thought I would come over to say hello. I enjoy meeting new friends and I enjoyed my visit with you as well. I also collect teacups and saucers, They are all different and each has a story of friendship behind it, some ae treasures I found as I went treasure hunting lol.
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