Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Heart Thing & Cathedral Tree

I was reading a blog I follow, and she was sharing about how she has such great intentions to spend time with God. I really identify- I plan specific time to sit down and pray, read, write, reflect.  But it doesn't always happen.

I'm stingy with my time. Because I'm a mom, I feel so divided. Most days I feel like a waitress and a nurse, on-call 24/7. So "me" time is very precious. But many times when I finally sit down to pray, or read a book, or write, something happens. The phone rings, Timothy wakes up from his nap, and the list goes on... Agh! I get really frustrated when my plans get messed up. But as Renee Swope put it, "But sometimes He rearranges the furniture in my 'quiet place' and it becomes more of a place in my heart than a space in my home or in my day."

I like that thought. Because even when my wonderful plans have gone screwy, my heart can still be with God. I can still talk to him while I'm folding laundry, and worship while I color with Timmy. It's not about the routine or the plan anyway. It's a heart thing. Good reminder.

Also, I finished my art piece for the Art/Writing challenge I participated in. This is what I came up with (Cathedral Tree), based on the poem my partner sent me. A line she wrote was about the "spiritual discipline of watching falling leaves". It made me think of a cathedral, a sacred space. I feel that way about trees, and nature. I feel closer to the Creator when I'm in His creation.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

New Art

This week was much better- no major crises and I don't know what to do with myself. :)

I finally finished a piece of art that I started last year (click on "Delicate" to see a bigger image), and I sent it to my partner in a writing/art swap for inspiration. She will write something based on my art, and I will create art based on the poem she sent me. You can read more about it here. I'm really excited about this challenge, since I've tried for a while to find ways to unite two of my passions (writing & art).

I also finished some more pendants and posted them in my Etsy shop, so you'll have to stop by and take a peek.
Here are some recent additions:

Thanks to all of the wonderful artists who participated in the One World One Heart Giveaway! I actually won 2 mixed media pieces (yahoo for me!), and one of my art pendants is going to the winner of my giveaway, Jann Cook.  Thank you to all of the wonderful people who signed up for my drawing, and especially to those of you that left such encouraging comments. OWOH was a blast & I will definitely be involved again next year!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Recent Philosophy

This week has been one of the worst in my memory. 
So here's my recent philosophy, which compliments the Mixed Emotions theme in my life:

I laugh to keep from crying, 
I sing to keep from screaming.

That's how I've been getting through the days recently. 
And this thought makes me smile, too:

Life is hard. We need more pillows.

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