I just finished up another round of the SPARK art/writing challenge, so I'll post on that when the site is finished, but I thought I'd at least show you my art piece. It's called "Reaching," based off of the writing my friend did.
Ted & I have done a lot of soul searching for direction lately, and I think we're heading in the right direction. Next semester we're both going back to school for our masters degrees- his in Urban Affairs & Social Work, and I'm switching mine from Counseling to Social Work. God keeps pulling on my heart strings to help people in practical ways, holistically- body, mind, and spirit.
Recently, I was able to go with a friend who ministers to women in the sex industry. It was my first experience seeing where it all takes place, and I wasn't really sure how I'd react. We visited 4 local brothels (I was shocked to see how many there were in our city!) and gave the women homemade brownies with Scripture verses on them. We just told them we cared about them and asked them if they needed prayer for anything. The verses talked about how God had created them with a purpose in mind and that they were valuable. Even though we weren't able to go inside this time, I know God's word never returns void, and I'm praying that the truth of those verses will sink deep into their souls.
I've also been challenged to return to writing more. I still need to finish my book. I had put it aside for a while as I was doing more art, but now it's calling my name again. Last night I was wondering if I was dumb for even trying to do this, if this was just a big waste of time. But this morning I read a devotional that talked about this writer and how words really impact others. I knew God was reminding me that I'm writing this book for a purpose. Even though it's tough to keep it up without feedback, and I'm my worst critic, I have to keep trying. I'm not writing it for me. I'm writing it for others, and I pray that it will bless someone out there when it's finished.
Sometimes it is so hard to know if what we are doing is where God wants us to be. We have to trust that he is not trying to hide anything from us, that he wants to reveal his will for us, and to trust our heart if we think he is calling us to something. I think sometimes we have to just put one foot in front of the other and begin, and pray that he will close and open doors along the way. I am learning to watch for where my passion is, where I get excited, because I believe when we are doing what we are made to be doing it will be there.
What a ministry, what a need there is in what you did.
What kind of book are you writing?
Hi my friend
thanks so much for your lovely comment at art freebies
I am loving your beautiful and magical drawings. The girl show looked like a lot of fun too
hugs June xxx
I linked over and found your blog and it sooo inspired me. My husband just returned from 35 days in a treatment center for depression. There were also many people there the treatment of many other problems and It really took me by surprise how many men were there for sex addiction the other side of why Brothels are such big business. The world and many people need so much healing. I am glad to hear you want to be a part of this . good luck
I wish you well Michelle...you are a lovely lady!
Thank you for your kind comments, I so appreciate them...
I'm glad you're keeping busy and congratulations on your decision to go back to school. I'm sure your book will turn out wonderful. That's so great that you're able to do all these wonderful and creative things! Impressive!
HI Michelle,
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you! I would love to hear more about your experience in ministering to the sex trade industry. If there is ever a time for us to rise up and make a difference it certianly is now where this area is concerned. Email me anytime!
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