Cathe Holden at Just Something I Made always has creative projects to share.
Lilla at Just Lilla makes a variety of lovely things in Hawaii.
June from Art Freebies posts free images almost daily.
Heidi at Moms, Ministry and More has great posts about real life and tough questions.
Lisa Kettell at Faerie Enchantment shares her imaginative world and amazing talent.
Renee Swope from The Journey of My Heart posts insightful devotionals about balancing motherhood with real life.
Ruth Rae at Let the Beauty We Love be What We Do is an incredible textile artist, among other things.
Summer from Design Is Mine posts about everything design- from great etsy finds to fashion to home decor.
The gang at Art Love Magic posts about local artists and musicians, and anything relating to the two.
Linda from Blue Eyed Girl is a wonderfully talented artist with a great heart.
Leah at Creative Every Day shares tons of great ideas, websites and challenges for the inner muse.
The group at Etsy Cottage Style shares lovely images and reflections.
Even though Lani Kent from Healing Expressions is taking an online break, you'll definitely want to check in later for her reflections on the healing power of love and art.
Karen from The Graphics Fairy posts lots of vintage images for you to use.
Lysa Terkeurst from P31 Woman always shares devotionals that challenge and encourage.
** Don't forget to sign up for the Pay It Forward challenge on my previous post! The first 5 people will get a handmade gift!
Thank you Michelle.....you are a sweetheart! I am very honoured to be included in your list.
Hope the violin playing is going well!!
Linda xx
Thank you so very much for the award, Michelle! I'm so touched!! Wishing you a beautiful week. xo
Wow! You did a great job!! I'm so glad that I met you and got to see your great items on etsy! And I love your blog...Keep up the great work!
P.s. thanks for the lovely compliments!
Thank you soooooooo very much Michelle for making my day shine bright with your comments and award.
Sending magic and joy your way!
Thank you so much for thinking of me for this award. I have had so many awards this last month or so and no time to sort them out and do them and i feel terrible about it so i hope you wont mind if I just thank you and add the award with the others i have recieved and not pass them all on. (I think i might take me another month if i tried to pass them all on lol )
I do appreciate your kind thoughts and the honour of being chosen for the award too.
I am going to add myself to follow your blog as i can see how lovely it is too
Hugs and many thanks for coming to visit.
June xxxx
Oh no !!! you dont have a follow box. i will just try and keep an eye open for your blog tho
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